Wednesday, October 12, 2011


じゅうがつなのか、きんようびにJapan Society へいきました。よくあそこへいきます。三池 崇史 (Takashi Miike) のあたらしいえいが、一命 (Ichimei or Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai)、をみました。ともだちとみました。すごいでした!

 Takashi Miike is an extremely prolific and controversial Japanese filmmaker. He is probably best known in the states for his films Audition (1999) and Ichi the Killer (2001). He recently came out with the film 13 Assassins, which played in theaters earlier this year. Most of his films are extremely violent, although he does do a few family films (such as Ninja Kids!!!), which is strange.

...and Ninja Kids!!! ???

Anyway, you should go to see Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (Japanese title is Ichimei) when it comes out. It's a remake of Kobayashi Masaki's Harakiri (切腹 Seppuku, 1962) which starred the legendary 仲代 達矢(Tatsuya Nakadai). Although it is pretty depressing, Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai is beautifully shot, well acted, and really worth watching.


  1. Wow this movie looks very interesting. Which did you like better? The older version or the remake? Japan Society seems to have lots of cool events. I was supposed to go to one too this past week. Its great that you are getting out of campus! - すぎもと

  2. I have never been to an event at the Japan Society. Sounds fun, though! I don't know that I have ever seen a japanese movie, I should start watching some! Any other recommendations you might have?

  3. these movies look so awesome/scary! I am definitely now planning on watching Ninja Kids-- it really looks like a keeper. They really did a good job with the evil guy in the bottom right. what a forehead! Anyway, i got distracted but this is a cool post. the japan society sounds awesome. :)

  4. Woodlandcreature - I actually haven't seen the original, but I definitely plan to. You should really head down to the Japan Society if you have time; they have a host of great events from performing arts to sake tastings to films.

    Mio - I would say start with the classics. Almost anything from 黒澤 明 (Kurosawa Akira) is sure to be amazing, though he is probably best known for his film Seven Samurai. Also, I just saw a film called All About Lily Chou Chou (dir. Iwai Shunji) which was fantastic, though bleak.

    Emma! - Yeah, the Ninja Kids!!! poster is super distracting. There are just layers and layers of interesting figures, the eye doesn't know where to rest! And yes, those films are pretty scary (though I haven't watched them, hah). J-Horror is really different from Hollywood horror. Some of my Japanese friends have called a few of our horror films "cute".
